Thursday 8 March 2007

Fractional ownership?

Fractional ownership is making waves in the world of overseas property.

We've had timeshare. A good idea in essence but much diluted by spivvery. Now fractional ownership looks more interesting - smaller groups of investors each holding a share in the property directly.

I've been talking to my boatyard and we've decided a similar ownership structure might work nicely for my poor old boat. At £17k she's a big mouthful for an individual - and she's wood, so the maintenance bill is quite large, even though being a cheapskate I do the varnishing and painting myself.

Split the costs into five though and she becomes pretty affordable. And who spends more than three months a year on the Norfolk Broads?

Even better, if it works, I get to take out most of my money but still have a share in the boat. That I could live with.

We'll see if it works. It's good for the boatyard, because they get to keep the mooring fees and maintenance jobs. And it's good for me. I just hope we can find four other people who think it's good for them.

I wonder what other areas are open to fractional ownership schemes? Anyone want a half share in a charming Frenchman, only slightly used? :-)

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