Wednesday 29 November 2006

Some advice for financial PR firms

I'm getting fed up with financial PR firms. Not all of them - but an awful lot. They keep doing stupid things.

  • Emails which say "Please read this announcement." No mention of what the announcement is. For all I know the piddling little mobile phone repair firm might just have bought Microsoft and Google... but if you don't tell me, can I be bothered to read the announcement? It hardly takes much imagination to put a quick summary in the subject line. "Piddling PLC buys Google" or "Piddling PLC interim results".
  • Even better if you could be bothered to put an executive summary in the body of the email as well as the full attachment.
  • Attachments over 10 megabytes. Do these guys realise that not everyone has an unlimited email account? That I might be accessing my account via mobile, or over a dial up line? That I am getting TWENTY OR THIRTY of these things a day? Do you really need fifteen photographs? Have you compressed the data? I can't believe that a corporate results presentation needs to be this big. In fact, I'd ask some of these agencies: did you bother to look at how big the file is, before you sent it?
This is not rocket science. Podcasting probably is. Using Skype probably is. But being able to send out an email in a form that journalists can, and are motivated to, read ... well, isn't that what PR firms are paid for?

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